
34 Weeks!

34 weeks, and 30 years old! Happy Birthday to ME!


Finally, We're Grown Ups!

After years of mismatched furniture, we finally have a real bedroom set!

We (well, Todd) painted the bedroom a nice tan/sand color and it's starting to look nice in there!

As usual, Cassie helped out:

And then of course she had to test out the new sleeping arrangements. Although with this belly, she's not allowed to sleep with us anymore. There's not enough room!


We're getting big!

My sister sent me a picture of her belly yesterday and I couldn't believe how much it looked like mine, so I sent her a picture. (yes, maybe we have too much time on our hands, hahaha).


30 Weeks! Only 10 Left, EEK!

Well, technically this picture is 30 weeks 1 day, but who's counting . . .