
Things Are Still Moving Along!

Had another appointment today. I'm now 1 cm which may not seem like much, but it's progress! The Dr. tried some tricks to get things moving along, as well.

We have an ultrasound on 11/7 to make sure fluid levels, blood pressure and heart beat are all ok.

If the baby doesn't come on his own soon, he's being evicted on Saturday, November 11th!


Our New Nephew is HERE!

Sullivan Fitzgerald was born today, we are SO excited for Tiggy and Alan! More pictures to come, of course.

38 Weeks! (And Tiggy is IN LABOR!)

Here I am at 38 weeks pregnant. I think I've been in denial that this baby is coming since my sister was due last week and as of yesterday, still hadn't had her baby! But at 5:45 this morning she called me to tell me she is in ACTIVE LABOR! We are so excited for her! We'll update again when we have more news.


Yes, We Torture Our Dog

Here's Cassie in her Halloween costume, also known as "Wonder Dog"!


Grandpa Miller

Last night my Grandpa Miller passed away. The following was written by my father:

My dad, Boris Miller died Tuesday evening, October 17th.

All who have known him, especially the last few years, called him ‘The Miracle Man’. At 87 years of age, he finally lost his long fight with muscular dystrophy. He battled it as courageously as anyone ever has, and beat it for far more years than most people who have had this affliction. How did he manage to do this?

From conversations with him, family members, friends, and personal observations I believe it was a number of things. First, he had an extraordinary will to live. Many people with less challenges, have given up living. He never did. He never talked about MD, the disease that had him first in leg braces, then adding a
cane, a walker, and eventually confining him to a wheelchair.

I believe he took the cards life dealt him, realized he couldn’t throw them back, and made the best of that hand. And, despite the MD cards, he still held a Royal Flush - and won! I never heard him complain about his disability. He accepted the fight, did what he felt he had to do to continue life, and went forward. ‘No big deal’, he would say about it. He also observed that many others had drawn far worse fates, and his battle could have been more challenging. I believe it was this perspective on life that served him so well for so long.

He was exceptionally smart; having graduated from MIT with a degree in Food Technology. Being an avid reader, learning continued throughout his life. Like many men of his era, he served proudly in the European arena in WWII. Also like most veterans who have experienced war, he never talked much about it. It’s important to say here how helpful the VA had been to him throughout his ordeal.

His marriage to my mother, June, who turns 84 this month, lasted 64 years. The longevity of their marriage, and the love they share, is a huge reason he lived as long as he did. Beside myself, he left another son, two daughters, and six grandchildren.

The last three years were extraordinarily tough for him, and my mother. He had spent more time hospitals than anyone should. When EMS people, patient transporters, hospital parking attendants, doctors, and nurses, and ICU personnel know your folks by their first names - they’ve seen them way too often. Although the hospitals, doctors, and all attending to him for so long, did a marvelous job, there’s no place like home, and that’s where he died.

Surrounded by friends and family telling favorite stories about him, he
passed away at 7:00. The decision to die at home, like other important ones in his life, he made out of love for his wife and family.

I’m lucky to have had him so long.

- Fred Miller


Making Some Progress!

Had a regular appointment today with the Dr. She said I'm making some progress which is great news! She also said, "I think 38 weeks is a great time to have a baby". I found that to be amusing, because if I could tell this kid to get out next week when I hit 38 weeks, I probably would. Unfortunately this baby doesn't listen to his mother already!

I did have some contractions yesterday which were painful, scary and exciting all at the same time!


Fall in MA

We took Cassie to her favorite place today, Callahan State Park. The weather is cool and all of the trees are changing, it's gorgeous up here these days!


New Glider!

For my brithday, the Millers and Grandma Minnie were nice enough to buy us a glider for the baby's room. We picked it up today and it looks great and is very comfortable! The room is basically done now, we just need to put a baby in there!

And as usual, Cassie wanted to be in the picture. :)

Sticking with the Halloween theme...

My parents have been going crazy scanning in old Halloween pictures. Aren't we cute? Next to me is my old friend Elizabeth.


36 Weeks!

Less than 30 days (we hope!), and apparently I'm growing out of my clothes!


More Halloween...

With Halloween right around the corner, we thought we would share just a couple more family pictures. Below are some of Fred's best looks. Actually now that I think about it, I'm not sure if these are really from Halloween or those "business trips" he always went on. Hmmm...


More oldies, but goodies . . .

Doesn't get much cuter than this! (Unless this was a picture of Devon, of course).

Todd's First Halloween (1977):

Todd and Emily, early 80's:

Todd and Fred, Halloween '79

Fall in New England

We went out today and picked up a bunch of pumpkins to decorate outside the house. Luckily they welcome dogs so we brought Cassie with us.

Refinishing the Deck; Part II

We tried this last summer and it didn't come out so well, so Todd did it again and it looks much better now! (We still need an official "after" picture).


35 Weeks, 35 Days Left!

Man, I'm really getting big now!

Cassie didn't fully cooperate for this photo.