The picture below shows the geographical location people are in when viewing our blog. We've also had people from Switzerland, Norway, and Australia check in.

We made it through night number one. How many more to go?
This morning Kyle saw the pediatrician who said he was in perfect health.
Weighing in at 6 pounds and 11 ounces, Kyle Shale Miller came into the world just after 10 PM tonight. Everyone is doing great!
We're past the 8cm mark as of about an hour ago. The nurses have moved in all the prep material. On the left is the instrument table. On the right is the baby warmer.
At last check we were up to 6cm dilated. Devon is hungry and Todd is eating Dunkin' Donuts.
A lot has happened since we woke up 12 hours ago. A lot has also happened since our last update. At about 5pm, Devon's water broke and she measured at about 4cm (10cm is the magic number). Looks like we still might have a shot at an 11/11 baby... maybe even at 11pm...
Devon is doing great. She is amazing! The picture is of the machine that measures the baby's heart rate and strength of the contractions.