
Few more fresh out of the oven pictures

Carson Shale Miller

Carson Shale Miller was born at 6:11pm and weighed in at 7 pounds 6
ounces. Everyone is doing great!

4:30 update

At last check, we're at 4cm dilated and water has broken.  Here we go....

Bonus prize for anyone who can name famous people born at Metrowest Medical Center / Framingham Union Hospital.

Doing great!

It's almost 4pm and Devon is doing great.  Looks like she's going to take a quick nap. 


Woah! How did the baby draw that on the chart?


That's a big one...

Devon doing great!

10:30 and things are moving along as planned. Devon is doing great.


The waiting begins...

8:00 AM arrival


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from The Millers!  Check back New Year's Eve for baby updates.



Spanish Class!

Kyle has been taking Spanish class at daycare 2x a week! He really loves it and his teacher, Señora Maritza, says he's doing very well. He knows all of his colors and greetings, and can count to 10. He often insists on counting in Spanish at home and demands we do the same. What a smarty pants!

Here are a couple of pictures from Kyle in class:


Kyle is 3!

These pictures are from September, but close enough to 3! :) His faux-hawk was growing out a bit.

Anyway, we can't believe our little man is 3 years old. Where has the time gone?


New England Fall

We went pumpkin picking but never actually got any pumpkins because the place was a total madhouse! But we did have a good time checking out the pumpkins, goats, pigs, chickens and of course, eating cider donuts!

Mmm donuts . . .

28 weeks (and a few days)

Cassie is looking a bit sad, but Kyle sure likes the belly!


Nana's visit

We had a great time with Nana this weekend!

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He's not Obama, but he sure is excited about having him as our new president!


Christmas in St. Louis

Yes we are slackers. We do have photos but as I said, we are slackers, so we're going to link you to Fred's (aka Papa) pictures. Enjoy!

click me!

Teaser: Great Grandma Minnie and her favorite great grandson (ok, her only!):