
Christmas Part II

Kyle sandwich with Ian and Anya.

Chicks dig my hair... dad is jealous...

Did Cassie want this kiss???

Sleepy baby...


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone. Kyle is having a fantastic 1st Christmas. You can click on any of the pictures for larger versions.

Christmas pictures from past years:







Eating with Dad!

Kyle is starting to use bottles now, which is great since now Todd can help out in the middle of the night. Ahhh, sleep for me!

Tiny Patriots Fan!

Here's a picture of Kyle with his dad. Kyle already loves football and is showing it by wearing his Patriots sleeper!


Hangin' out, lookin' cute

The hair is a bit more tame today!


I'm so big!

Mom weighed me today and I'm 10.4 pounds!

Not only am I getting big, I also yawn a lot and look sleepy, yet I don't sleep much at night!

And I sneeze, boy do I sneeze. Doctors say it's to make sure my nasal passages are clear, but I don't know what nasal passages are.


Havin' a snoozer...

He looks happy, doesn't he?


Happy Holidays

Of course we couldn't forget about Hanukkah...


Blog facts

It's interesting to see how people are finding our blog. Below is a graph of the last week or so and where people came from:

The picture below shows the geographical location people are in when viewing our blog. We've also had people from Switzerland, Norway, and Australia check in.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Mimi, Grandpa and Aunt Emily came to visit for Thanksgiving. They think Kyle is adorable, of course!


Dr. Update!

Kyle had his 2nd check up with the pediatrician today to make sure he's gaining enough. He was hoping for .5 to 1 oz per day. Last week he weigted 6lb 6oz, today (6 days after his last appt) he weighs 7lb 5oz! Needless to say, he's gaining GREAT!


Thank you Tammy and Rich

Although he didn't enjoy the bath that much, he certainly did enjoy getting wrapped up in the warm frog towel from Tammy and Rich. Thank you guys!!! See you in San Diego or St. Louis soon!

Visit this weekend

This weekend Kyle got to meet Nana Shale, Aunt Kathy, and Aunt Kris. Todd is still enjoying Nana's lasagna.

Nana Shale

Aunt Kathy

Aunt Kris


Little Video

If the player on this screen doesn't work for you or you want the larger version, try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FguXEOjLz6I.



I'm trying out a new layout so please be patient as I work out the bugs. Please let me know if you do/do not like the new layout or if you have any problems viewing or using some of the features. Constructive criticism is always welcome!


Out and about

We made it out of the house today to see the pediatrician and got the go ahead to take Kyle out for a walk in the unseasonably warm weather. The pediatrician said Kyle was great-- we'll be back to see him again on Tuesday to check his weight.

For friends and family that would like to see the "extended" set of pictures, we've started a Snapfish account where you can see them all (well, almost all). In order to view the pictures, you'll need to sign-up one time (sorry) but after that, you're all set. We'll continue to post highlight pictures here but will use Snapfish for the rest.

To view the first album, click here. Let me know if you have any problems with the link.


Day 2 at home

Day 2 at home and everyone is doing great!



New pictures and videos

About 2 mins after Kyle was born:

This morning:

Dad and Kyle:

Just Kyle:

Good morning

We made it through night number one. How many more to go?

This morning Kyle saw the pediatrician who said he was in perfect health.

Kyle Miller

Kyle Miller

Kyle Miller


Kyle Shale Miller

Weighing in at 6 pounds and 11 ounces, Kyle Shale Miller came into the world just after 10 PM tonight. Everyone is doing great!


We're past the 8cm mark as of about an hour ago. The nurses have moved in all the prep material. On the left is the instrument table. On the right is the baby warmer.

7:00 update

At last check we were up to 6cm dilated. Devon is hungry and Todd is eating Dunkin' Donuts.

We woke up 12 hours ago

A lot has happened since we woke up 12 hours ago. A lot has also happened since our last update. At about 5pm, Devon's water broke and she measured at about 4cm (10cm is the magic number). Looks like we still might have a shot at an 11/11 baby... maybe even at 11pm...


A little medication helped move us from the high end of the scale to the low end. Nap time.

3:00 update

Devon is doing great. She is amazing! The picture is of the machine that measures the baby's heart rate and strength of the contractions.


Contractions every 2-3 mins lasting for about 30 seconds

4 hours in

We're about 4 hours into the process. Our doctor should be by soon to check on pogress.

The Final Countdown

9am Saturday. Only 18 to 36 hours to go.