
Bigger each day

14 Weeks:

8 Weeks:

A few days old:


More from Mimi and Great Grandmother's Visit

Happy Guy!

Kyle looooves his great grandmother!

Not sure either of them likes this . . .

Little guy in a big guy outfit

Crazy hair!

Long up top, mullet in back and your usual baby bald spot.

Great Grandma is funny


More Toys for Kyle

There is never a shortage of things created for these little guys!.This is Kyle's new Rainforest Jumperoo. His cousin Sully was jealous so he also just got this new toy!

A little video:

Look into my eyes . . . you're getting sleeeeepy . . .

We keep trying to catch Kyle smiling but the moment he sees the camera he becomes completely mesmerized and this is what we get: