
School Pictures!

Kyle's daycare center had a photographer in for photos a few weeks back. The first time they tried to take his pictures, they put him on his belly when he was tired and hungry. Needless to say, they got no pictures since he was hysterical!

They tried the next day and he smiled for them! You can see in the 2nd picture that he was probably a little sad, but at least we have one of him smiling!

(grandparents, aunts, uncles . . . I'm ordering pictures next week so let me know if you want one, and what size!)


Anonymous said...

Count us in! We'd like a 5 x 7 (of the happy one). Love the hair!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like 5 5x7s... are there any wallet size?
Let me know how much they are and I will send you a check. I like the first one. Mimi aka Bev