
Weekend in NYC

We spent Memorial Day weekend (and our 2 year anniversary!) in NYC. We had a fantastic time walking all over the city showing Kyle all of the fun things to do. Kyle made his first (of many, I'm sure) appearances on TV. We were in the background on Fox News, Mimi and Grandpa Miller even saw him!

Here's one of Kyle and Dad attempting to get onto The Today Show - sadly, we failed at that attempt!

Nana drove into the city to meet up with us. Here's Nana with Kyle in Madison Square Park. Kyle had a great time playing with Nana's camera and her necklace.

We all met up with Great Uncle Andy for lunch. Kyle thought Uncle Andy was a good time!

Mom leaning in for a smooch with Kyle at the Central Park Zoo.

Kyle as a bunny!

As you can see, Kyle thinks sheep are pretty cool.

Kickin' it in Central Park

Kyle was such a trooper, staying up way past his bedtime so we could enjoy NYC at night. You can see here that he loved Times Square. (don't mind the bottle of water he's holding, for some reason he thinks they're hysterical!)


St. Louis Millers said...


Great Job with the pictures and posting.

Glad to had a great time and got to meet my brother.

Seeing Susan there makes us jealous!


M said...

The pictures are fantastic! I love he one of him in the park with the city behind him!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the bunny pic!!!

Erin said...

GREAT pictures! He is so cute!!!

a1r1ka said...

he's so silly and happy! what a wonderful baby!